Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sports Survey

By Emerson

What is your favorite Sport?

Running: 8 votes

Soccer: 2 votes

Playing tag: 2 votes

Hockey: 0 votes

Baseball: 6 votes

Kickball: 1 vote

I think running won because it is a really fun and you also have to run in every sport.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Days of the Week Survey

By Jonah

I wanted to know what everyone's favorite day of the week was!
Image result for days of the week 
Monday: 1                           

Tuesday: 1                              

Wednesday: 2

Thursday: 0

Friday: 16

Saturday: 17

Sunday: 4

I voted for Friday but Saturday won by 1 vote.

Underwater Mystery

By Dylan

A scuba diver was swimming away from a shark when he saw a shipwreck. So he swam down to hide from the shark.  Then he saw a treasure chest! He tried to ope it but it wouldn’t budge.Then he saw a shiny thing.  It was a key!  He tried to put it in the keyhole but there was no keyhole! Then he said why "won’t this chest open" and then it opened magically.  He picked it up and swam up to the surface. Then he saw a helicopter and he waved his hands so it could see him. The helicopter dropped a rope to the scuba diver and he climbed up the rope and got into the helicopter. Then the helicopter brought him home.

Interview with Eddie the Swim Director

By Jonah

Q:What’s your favorite thing to teach?

A: The Back Float

Q:How long have you taught swimming for?

A:14 Years

Q:What’s your favorite part about teaching swimming?

A:Seeing campers learn to swim for the first time

Q:What was the name of your favorite swim teacher?

A: My own Parents

Q:Were you ever on a swim team?

A:Yes I have been before

Q:What’s your favorite water temperature? 

A:98 degrees

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Ice Cream Survey

By Siona

Ice cream is the best that is why I asked a total of 40 campers and counselors what their favorite ice cream flavor was:

Chocolate: 11

Vanilla: 7

Oreo: 13

Strawberry: 1

Sweet Cream: 4

Cake Batter: 4

I think Oreo got the most votes because there are cookies in the ice cream.

Animal Survey

By Siona

I love animals and wanted to know what animal was everyone's favorite:

Cat: 8

Dog: 20

Rabbit: 2

Guinea Pig: 8

Horse: 4

I was not surprised that dogs got the most votes because so many people like and have dogs.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


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