Wednesday, August 15, 2018

What’s your favorite type of candy survey?

By Amelia

Mint: 0 votes
Image result for candy bars

Candy bars: 4 votes

Lollipops: 0 votes

Candy corn: 0 votes

All: 3 votes

Other: 2 votes

None: 3 votes

Candy bars won! I think it is because that for many people, the candy they choose to eat when they are allowed to eat candy is candy bars.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

By Bree

Vanilla: 1 vote
Chocolate: 2 votes
Image result for birthday cake ice ice creamCookies & cream: 1 vote
Cookie dough: 1 vote
Cake batter: 0 votes
Raspberry: 0 votes
Black Raspberry: 2 votes
Birthday Cake: 2 votes
Other: 4 votes
All: 1 vote                       

                        Other wins!

What is your favorite food survey?

By Julian

Image result for pizzaPizza: 3 votes

Chips: 2 votes

Hot diggity dog a.k.a hot dog: 2 votes

Pasta: 3 votes

Other: 2 votes

What is your favorite vehicle???

By Sofia

Car: 3 votes

Bus: 1 vote
Image result for transportation

Plane: 3 votes

Motorcycle: 1 vote

Helicopter: 1 vote

Train: 1 vote

Trolly: 2 vote

Tram: 2 vote

Boat: 3 vote

Truck: 2 votes

Other: 4 votes