Thursday, July 12, 2018

Interview with Michy

By Aaron

Q. What is your favorite color?
A. Aqua is my favorite!

Q. What is your favorite thing
to do at camp?
A. Rock Band is the best.

Q. What is your favorite food?
A. Anything with sugar!

Q. What is your favorite
type of music?
A. Classical Rock and my
favorite band is Bon Jovi.

Q. How long have you been here?
A. I’ve been at camp for nine years now.

Q. What day do you like the best: Pizza
day, BBQ day, or Pasta day?
A. Pasta day, I love the Mac n cheese.

Q.What is your favorite animal?
A. Quokka, it’s very unique.

Q.What is your favorite place?
A. The Rock Band Room.

Q. What is your favorite thing to do?

A. Talk to people. I enjoy
learning more about people.
Image result for mac n cheese

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