Friday, July 21, 2023


by Alanna

Michy has been teaching movie making for the past 10 days this session. She is an Intermediate Camp counselor. In addition to teaching Moviemaking, she also teaches 2A as the head counselor. Here are some questions I asked her.

What is the plot of the movie that you and the campers are 

Making? We took the plot of Mission Impossible and campafied it!

What/who is the villain, monster or enemy of the main character/characters?:Evil doctor Numin

How are the campers making their props for the movie they're making?: They are using recycled cardboard!

How many campers are acting in the movie?:12 campers

How long is the movie going to be?: 6 minutes.

Are there going to be costumes or outfits in the movie?:Yes! One for each camper

Are the campers bringing any props to movie making?:Yes, the ones they brought were amazing

Are the campers excited about the movie?:They are very, very, very, very, very, very, excited

Thank you Michy!

Movie Camera Images - Free Download on Freepik

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