Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Interview With Trevor

By Reid

Interviewer: If you could do any class at Chestnut Hill Camp, what would it be?

Trevor: Field of Dreams for sure.

Interviewer: Why field of dreams?

Trevor: I love teaching sports. Especially sports outside.

Interviewer: Why did you choose Camp Newspaper?

Trevor: I like kids being creative so i chose camp newspaper.

Interviewer: If you could have x-ray vision, would you want to be able to turn it off?

Trevor: Definitely. I wouldn’t want to see everything.


Interviewer: What wouldn't you want to see?

Trevor: I wouldn't want to see magic tricks. 

Interviewer: Do you want to play “Pie Splat”?

Trevor: Sure!

Interviewer: What kind of pie would you like to play with?

Trevor: Apple, please!

Interviewer: If we couldn't play with apple, what would it be?
Trevor: Boston Cream Pie.
Apple Pie Recipe - Perfect Every Time!

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