Saturday, August 15, 2015

Favorite US Women's National Soccer Team Player Survey

By Sasha

Hope Solo: 21 votes
Megan Rapinoe: 1 vote
Alex Morgan: 4 votes
Amy Rodriguez: 0 votes
Ali Krieger: 0 votes
Lauren Holiday: 0 votes
Tobin Heath: 0 votes
Carli Lloyd: 3 votes
Shannon Boxx: 1 vote
Abby Wambach: 1 vote
Lori Chalupny: 0 votes
Morgan Brian: 0 votes
Whitney Engen: 0 votes
Julie Johnston: 0 votes
Meghan Klingenberg: 1 vote
Sydney Leroux: 1 vote
Kelly O’Hara: 0 votes
Heather O’Reilly: 0 votes
Christen Press: 0 votes

I think Hope Solo won because nobody knew who anybody else was on the survey.

Favorite Weather Survey

By Sasha

Sun: 5 votes
Rain: 9 votes
Hail: 9 votes
Thunderstorm: 1 vote
Snow: 4 votes
Sleet: 0 votes
Dust storm: 0 votes
Tornado: 0 votes

I think rain and hail tied with the most votes because it hailed and rained really hard last week at camp.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Favorite Ice Cream or Popsicle Survey

By Abby

Vanilla: 7 votes

Oreo: 14 votes

Chocolate: 8 votes

Mint Chocolate Chip: 4 votes

Coffee: 1 vote

I do not eat Ice Cream: 1 vote

Popsicles: 3 votes

Chocolate chip: 3 votes

I’m not sure why Oreo won but it is really tasty.

Favorite NFL Team

By Sammy

Patriots: 30 votes

Jets: 1 vote

Dolphins: 0 votes

Bills: 0 votes

Colts: 0 votes

Packers: 0 votes

Broncos: 0 votes

Cowboys: 0 votes

Seahawks: 1 vote

I think the Patriots won because we live in New England and the Patriots are the local team and also they are really good.

Interview with Gus

By Ben

What is your favorite animal?
My favorite animal is an armadillo.

What is your favorite color?
A nice turquoise.

What do you teach at camp?
I teach Jazz Dance, Whiffleball and Cool Science.

What is your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is baseball.

What do you like to eat?
I like Pizza, Oreo Ice Cream and Mac and Cheese.

Hurricane Gaming

By Lee and Julian

Hurricane Gaming For Kids 8 to 10 years old. Lee is making a new website at home where people can play games like Beast Quest and Super Mario World even Five Nights at Freddy’s 1,2,3 AND 4 and also Donkey Kong. More games will be on the website but these are just some examples!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Cat Rescuer

By Alexa

One day there was a boy. He saw a cat in a tree. He climbed the tree. But it was only a stuffed animal. He was sad. Then a real cat got stuck in a tree. His mom said “ you can’t go out there”. So she called the firefighters and they rescued the cat. That night the boy was sad. He really wanted to be a cat rescuer. Then he heard a meow!!!!!!! He went outside. He climbed a tree. A CAT WAS INSIDE!!!!!! He rescued the cat. The cat pointed to a hole. The boy went in the hole. At the bottom he found... CAGES OF CATS!!! A red cat was guarding them. He went up and got his dog.The dog scared the cat away. He opened the cages and freed the cats. THE END!                      

Thursday, August 6, 2015

CHS Storm

By Sammy and Zacari

It was a cloudy tuesday at the CHS camp. Then hail started to come down hard and it started to thunder and lightning. The hail was as big as a ping pong ball or golf ball . Two different trees fell down and broke two different fences at camp!

Homerun by Mistake!

By Sasha

I was at a ballgame. Cheering on my team… then CRACK they hit a ball and it came towards me. It all happened so quick so instead of taking out my mitt, I took out my baseball bat! I stood on my seat … and I hit a home run for my team! In the second inning I hit two, they went right out of park! In the third inning I hit three, but I also broke 3 people’s windows. By the end of the day my team won by 6… but I also might of broken 5 people’s windows.    

Favorite Camp Snack Survey

By Aleyna and Sammy

Chex: 1 vote

Goldfish: 17 votes

Graham Crackers: 2 votes

Pretzels: 1 vote

Popsicles: 21 votes

We think popsicles won because they have the most sugar in them.

The Mystery of Trevor’s Missing shoe

By:Jonah and Sita

One day there was a man named Trevor he wore a size 1 baby shoe. It was weird cause he was 30 years old. Oh how Trevor was ashamed of his shoe size. One Person alone would tease him 51 times a day and over 100 people teased him every day. He never got used to the teasing and laughing all day. But one day, he decided to get rid of his shoe, so that people would stop teasing him. He put one of one of them in the dumpster & went barefoot everywhere he went [I forgot to tell you, he put the other shoe in the disgusting river]. But one day, his mom caught him going around with no shoes and said “Why are you walking around with no shoes on.”

[Time for a cliffhanger]