Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Mystery of Trevor’s Missing shoe

By:Jonah and Sita

One day there was a man named Trevor he wore a size 1 baby shoe. It was weird cause he was 30 years old. Oh how Trevor was ashamed of his shoe size. One Person alone would tease him 51 times a day and over 100 people teased him every day. He never got used to the teasing and laughing all day. But one day, he decided to get rid of his shoe, so that people would stop teasing him. He put one of one of them in the dumpster & went barefoot everywhere he went [I forgot to tell you, he put the other shoe in the disgusting river]. But one day, his mom caught him going around with no shoes and said “Why are you walking around with no shoes on.”

[Time for a cliffhanger]  

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