Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Cat Rescuer

By Alexa

One day there was a boy. He saw a cat in a tree. He climbed the tree. But it was only a stuffed animal. He was sad. Then a real cat got stuck in a tree. His mom said “ you can’t go out there”. So she called the firefighters and they rescued the cat. That night the boy was sad. He really wanted to be a cat rescuer. Then he heard a meow!!!!!!! He went outside. He climbed a tree. A CAT WAS INSIDE!!!!!! He rescued the cat. The cat pointed to a hole. The boy went in the hole. At the bottom he found... CAGES OF CATS!!! A red cat was guarding them. He went up and got his dog.The dog scared the cat away. He opened the cages and freed the cats. THE END!                      

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