Friday, July 19, 2019

What is your favorite vehicle survey

By Marc

Car: 3 votes
Plane: 0 votes
Helicopter: 1 vote
Truck: 0 vote
All: 1 vote
Other: 9 votes
Image result for vehicles

What is your favorite animal?

By Nicole

Lion: 1 vote

Snake: 0 votes

Dog: 2 votes

Image result for lionCat: 0 votes

Hamster: 0 votes

Kangaroo: 1 vote

Bird: 0 votes

Chicken: 0 votes

Chipmunk: 1 vote

Camel: 1 vote

Squirrel: 1 vote

Camp Mad-Libs

By Amelia

Today, I went to camp in a _________________________(vehicle).
The counselor ________________________(counselor) brought
me in today. For first period I had ___________________________________(activity).
There, you make _____________________(plural noun)!
At second period I played ______________________(game).
But now I’ll tell you the craziest part: At ________(number) period swim,
I was doing the__________________(swim stroke) when suddenly,
my pet __________________________(animal),
_____________________(noun), dived into the
pool and yelled_______________(sound effect or exclamation)!
My sister said “______________________ (your name),
you were supposed to put __________________(same noun)
in the______________________(room in the house)!”
“Let’s call your_____________________(family member).” suggested
a lifeguard. I dialed the number but I ended up
talking to my________________(other family member)!
Anyway, he/she came to collect_______________(same noun).
Today was such a ________________(adjective) day.
I’m so excited for camp tomorrow.
.Image result for camp

What is your favorite tv show?

By Albert

Image result for scooby doo

Batman: 2 votes

Scooby-Doo!: 6 votes

Pokemon: 3 votes

All: 1 votes


 By Gabriel

1. More people play Minecraft on a laptop. 

2. Minecraft was made in 2011.

Image result for minecraft3. Squids were the only animal in the ocean until aquatic update (ver.1.13)

4.Minecraft was made in 6 whole days!

5.More people on their first day in Minecraft go mining then building.