Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Interview with Trevor

By Avi

What do you do in your life?
I'm an associate teacher at CHS.

What books do you like to read?
I like to read Harry Potter. I've read all the books a few times.

Tell me about your school?
I’m actually not in school anymore. I graduated college a few years ago.

What do you have for books?
I have all the Harry Potter books.

Who was your last teacher?
The last teacher I had in college was Mrs. Carlson.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I’m an only child.

What do you do after school?
I usually go home and eat!

Where did you go on your last trip?
I went to Portland, Maine.

What do you like?
I like to watch and play sports.

What don't you like?
I don’t like tuna fish.

What are your hobbies?
I like to play sports!

Do you like bananas?
Yes, bananas are good!

Tell me what time do you wake up in the morning?
I wake up at 6 in the morning.

What activities do you run in CHS camp?
I run floor hockey, camp newspaper, dodgeball, capture the flag and basketball.

Do you like gaga?
I do like gaga but I like doctor dodgeball more.

Why do you play baseball?
I play it because I think it is really fun!

Do you like the movies?
I do like the movies but I like tv shows more.

Do you like oranges?
I like oranges, especially orange juice.

Are you fast?
I’m not as fast as a cheetah. 

Image result for baseball

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