Friday, August 18, 2017

A Book of Codes

By Oscar
A guide to 4 awesome
types of code!

Chapter 1
Cryptography, or the study of codes, has been around for hundreds of years, starting in the time of Julius Caesar. In this book you will learn 4 basic codes, the Caesar Cipher, Mirror Code, The Front Letter At The Back Code, and Number Instead Of Letter Code. However, these codes are easy to intercept, so don’t use any for super-secret messages. You have been warned.

Chapter 2
The Caesar Cipher

The Caesar Cipher was used by Julius Caesar to keep his private correspondences private. To use this code, you replace each letter with a letter 13 letters down from the original letter. Here are the Caesar Cipher letters: A=N B=M C=O D=P E=Q F=R G=S H=T I=U J=V K=W L=X M=Y N=Z
And the other way around.

         Try this code: DFCHQOH HTQ QZJUCFYQZH

ANSWER:ʇuǝɯoɹᴉʌuǝ ǝɥʇ ʇɔǝʇoɹd

Now you know the Caesar Cipher. Onward!

 Chapter 3
     The “Number Instead
         Of Letter Code”

This code works by replacing a letter with a number.

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=10 K=11 L=12 M=13 N=14 O=15 P=16 Q=17 R=18 S=19 T=20 U=21 V=22 W=23 X=24 Y=25 Z=26

Try to read this:79181519 1185 119 715154 119 2152519.

Answer: Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 10.18.19 AM.png

Me Me Me Me Me!

By Emily

Me is the best! No one better than me! Me can do all the things in the world! But me can’t fly! Me want to fly! No fair! You fly? I said you fly? YOU FLY????????????? If you no answer me, then You MEAN! Really no fair!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tom Brady

By Leyla and Emilia

Once upon a time there was a man named Tom Brady. He lived next to a tennis court. Every day the kids would come to his house and try to throw balls in front of his house. Tom would say “hey my baby is sleeping and he is very tired today!!!!! Sooooooooooooo shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”. Then he sang a song that goes like this “hush little baby don’t you cry daddy’s going to win the football game. If daddy doesn't he will scream and cry and have a fit”. Then Tom Brady won the game! Then a random kid came to his house and said “uuuuuuuuuh my man, may I have your autograph?” And put her arms out for a hug.
The End

The Battle of Surrenders

By Jorge

A long time ago in land far far far away...

The Separatist ship came back .

“I surrender” said Darth Maul and Sith Will. One day later, Psssssh “Don’t let them escape” said the Jedi.  “We will have our revenge later” also said the Jedi “we got the sith but not the bounty hunters”. Psh Psh “Lets get the Sith later” said the bounty hunters. After they had a battle. The gunship came to take the prisoners. They landed on a republic planet. The prisoner when to jail. The End!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Favorite Activity at Camp Survey

By Emilia and Leyla

Soccer: 1 Vote

Tennis: 3 Votes

Drama: 10 Votes

Swim: 4 Votes

Slime: 14 Votes

Rock Band: 6 Votes

Gimp Making: 5 Votes

Camp Newspaper: 13 Votes

Tye Dye: 4 Votes

Clay: 4 Votes

Slime is the winner!

The Very Bored Turtle (Part 1)

By Nora

Chapter 1

Once there was a very bored turtle. He lived in the dumpster. He lived at the bottom of one in a place called Turtletown. It is on a planet called Coose Coose. It was Tuesday. The turtle’s name is turtle. And as I said he was very very bored. All of a sudden he felt a piece of trash (he had climbed to the top of the dumpster) hit his head. He popped his head out of the dumpster and saw a duck!!!!!!!!!! Only turtles were supposed to be in turtle town!!!!! He watched the duck walk behind his dumpster, and change into a turtle costume!!!!!!!!!!!!! How weird! Thought the turtle. He watched the duck walk into a store called Pj’s for Turtles. Hmmmmmm, thought turtle. Why does a DUCK want to have TURTLE pj’s?!  

Space Jail Escape

By Abe and Oscar

Chapter 1 Jail

“I must get out of here” thought Hank. Then he had an idea. He told Mark his idea. “Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!” Mark said. So they got to work.

Chapter 2 Escape!

Mark made a suit that looked like a Graknil.
Hank stole a laser. They were almost done!!

Chapter 3 Earth

Mark put on the suit. Luckily the Graknil’s Are not very smart
So they escaped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Interview with Trevor

By Daniel

Q. What is your favorite dessert?
A. My favorite dessert is ice cream sundaes!

Q. What is your favorite breakfast food?
A. I would say cereal, I eat it every morning. Captain Crunch is for sure my favorite cereal.

Q. What is your favorite elephant?
A. The african elephant, they are the mammal with the largest ears!

Q. What is your favorite sport?
A. To play baseball and to watch football.

Q. What is your favorite hat?
A. I have a Red Sox hat with the Red Sox logo from the 1900’s.

Q. What is your favorite Spongebob character?
A. My favorite character would be either Spongebob or Patrick.

Q. Can you make a pillow?
A. No, I can’t. I wish I could take pillow making class to learn.

Q. What is your favorite lunch food?

A. I pretty much eat a peanut butter sandwich everyday for lunch.

Favorite Clone Commander Survey

By Jorge

Captain Rex: 6 Votes

Commander Cody: 3 Votes

Commander Fox: 11 Votes

Commander Wolffe: 1 Vote

Commander Gree: 1 Vote
Commander Bly: 0 Votes

None: 14 Votes

None won because no one knew those troopers.

The Hard Questions in Life

By Abe


The Computer who Wants Snack

By: Nicole and Ada
Who wants snack!!!!!!!!ada & nicole are awesome

How are you s- dondondon………………………………………………….

The computer who wants snack!!!!! wait what!? Why did I write this again????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By nicole & adf

Wait what??????

I wanted to write --what??????!!!!!!!!!!!

OK now back to the story
By nicole & Ada


Oooooooo Nncccccceee aaaaaa

   CONTENTS:      SESSION 3    INTRODUCTION                                                                                                 







Nathalie H.

Now for the real story………………..  Session 3……..
Once upon a time there was a computer who wants snack

any  way he could not eat .But he still wanted snack
So he went to search to find a way
Then he met a villain named voldemort...
And he did avada kadavra  but it’s useless  on computers but  he still is hungry
So he went on his way .
And voldemort followed .

And  voldemort did avada kadavra again to the computer but nothing happend and he is still hungry but then he ate maror.And voldemort ate it to. .and the computer  had to sing  the four questions , “Ma nishtanah halailah hazeh mikol haleilot?
Sab Khol haleilot anu ochlin chametz u matzah; halailah hazeh, kulo matzah.
Sab Khol haleilot anu ochlin shear yerakot; halailah hazeh, maror.
Sab Khol haleilot ein anu matlin afilu pa’am echat; halailah hazeh, shtei family.
Sab Khol haleilot anu ochlin being yashvin uvein mubin;   halailah hazeh, kulanu mubin.
Voldemort fumed seriously

After  that voldemort   got so mad then he did avada kedavra  to the maror but it got more bitter and if you eat it you have to say voldemort 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times. ( you have to say voldemort that many times said  voldemort)

Then!!!!!!!!! .... the computer saw a castle which had a banner that said HOGWARTS
What is hogwarts????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Wonderd the computer

Hogwarts is a school but! Not just an ordinary school because it’s a     …    magic school . whispered a chicken from the ministry of magic.
And one day  you will go to that school to show the kids  computers and in return they will give you 3 wishes of whatever you wish for and you will stay there for three years and then get your 3  wishes and then the chicken went  crazy .   clucking like crazy I see a Genie  lamp shouted the chicken  so the chicken ran to  it and started rubbing it like crazy   the second he touched the lamp  the Genie flew out and shouted it’s  good to  be   out of the lamp and said it’s good to  be  back and then started to sing  a song it went like this  i am, a Genie in a bottle you  got ask  me the right way i can make your wish come true   if you  want to be the master of the  Genie  you got to ask me the right way if you want to be the master of the  bottle  said the Genie  
For  my first wish i wish to have all the food in the world  for my second wish is to never have my eggs taken and for my third wish is  to ben to have a vacation from the ministry of magic. that will soon be done  where do  you want  to go  asked  the  Genie .i would like to go to A farm  said the chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When do you want to go asked the Genie . I saw math being used in the real world when I was at sleep away camp. One example was when we compared scores in bunk inspections. We thought about who had greater than, less than, or equal scores to our scores. It mattered because the bunk who got the most points got candy! Another example of using math at camp is when we had to keep track of the amount of time we had between activities. You had to know if you had to run or walk depending on where you were and where you need to be and how much time you had. You were also thinking about distance. Another example is cooking. One of the activities was cooking. In cooking you had to measure the amount of ingredients that you were using. If you did not measure correctly the food would not taste good. I used math a lot more than I thought I had at camp!!!!!!!!!
CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT!!!!! What what???? OK    now back to the story   i want to go on chicken day  in the ministry                                                               
So i wont g-Hentay hetay hickencay entway otay indfay hetay andway hentay hetay hickencay lewfay otay umbledoreday officeway atway ogwartshay.ANDway enthay inway umbledoresday ensivepay. In the pensive the scene is when the
computer was avada KADVRAED . then  dumbledore and nathalie h. came………………………………………………………………………………….

What are you doing here ???????????????????????????????????? asked Dumbledore ?asked nathalie (nathalie can’t speak    english because she’s a chicken)

So are  you a  chicken from the ministry of magic asked dumbledore pointing at the chicken. What’s your name ??????????
Nathalie h.  said the chicken ?????????????????????????????????said nathalie H
Now back too the cccccccccooooooooooooommmmmmmmmppppppppppppuuuuuuuutttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr the computers song:  i’m a computer i’m beautiful because i’m a computer
I’m glad that I could be a computer
I have to ask nathalie if  she wants to live on a beach  in the water
I have no idea what i’m talking

And I want this very weird story to end .can it end???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????please please please please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But this story would never end.said dumbledore.

NOW THERE’S A SURVEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOULD YOU RATHER BE A CHICKEN THAT µ˜∫√≈ç≈Ω¬˚∆˙©ƒ∂ßåπøˆˆ¨¥†®´∑œ CAN TALK OR A PERSON THAT CAN’T TALK?????????????????
Session 4…………   CRAZY CATS:                                   where am I in this story?????
Oh i’m right here after the weird part now it starts at voldemort’s house in 1903 ( voldemort’s mother is still alive) hello mother said voldemort hi dear said merope ( merope is voldemort’s motherשלום שלום שלום אומנה אור שלום איילת שלום שלום שלום היא מציקה are you
Not listening ??said do I love you??????????????????? Yes  you
?????????????? do you  have cat litter?????v237tluaitgru stvwzB7te;ou9sa2uv4ib5s3[‘wq s
Time to get a bath  tom  said  morpe  meanly but i   DON’T WANT TO  whined   voldemort .well then you  have  to  GO TO BED SHE SAID MORE CROSSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I’M SO SAD. BECAUSE voldemort said tom riddLE  do you want to try me???   Screamed  meropE  at least go get your pj’s on i got new ones for you they’re covered in pink  said   merope    i    don't  want  wear them SHOUTED VOLDEMORT  

LET’S GO TO THE REAGLE BEAGLE   SAID TOM MARVALO RIDDLE. No said his mom so crossly that he became a dark wizard and that the story how that voldemort became dark.then the computer  came!! What about me???>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Said the computer

I WANT to get the new hugging machine said voldemort

Respect apostrophes
There not f

This is a page . that's the lesson for today


Who are you  asked  thstory to end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! computer


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Favorite Color Survey

By Emily

Red: 2 votes

Orange: 0 votes

Yellow: 0 votes

Green: 1 vote

Blue: 1 vote

Indigo: 1 vote

Brown: 0 votes

Black: 1 vote

White: 1 vote

Turquoise: 7 votes

None: 2 votes

All: 5 votes

I think turquoise won because I don’t know!