Thursday, August 3, 2017

Space Escape!

By Oscar

Chapter 1 : Escape

Once upon a time there was an infamous pickpocket/robber/jail-escaper named “Escaper’’ Hank. After he completed his 999’th escape, (knocking the police on the head with a crowbar & diving down the toilet), he swam to a harbor, then he put on a disguise in an empty and clean recycling barrel. After he got out a large lady said, “Hello Sir’’ with a slight british accent. “Hello Ma’am.’’ said Hank. I’m an astronaut who’s going in the 43rd space mission to the moon. “I’ve gotta get there fast!’’ he said, looking at his (waterproof) watch. “9 more minutes!’ Bye!’’ said Hank. “Good-bye, sir!” “It was nice meeting you!” said the tall lady that he was talking to. He rode a taxi to the launchpad, captured the astronauts, and got into the elevator to the rocket. “You’re late again!’’ said one of the controllers through the intercom. “Sorry.’’ said Hank. Then the countdown started. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0, LIFTOFF! The rocket climbed up the summer sky with a deafening roar!    

Chapter 2 :  Space

After he was in space, Hank saw another runaway rocket capsule. It was one of his friends, who was named Mark. Hank found an asteroid as big as a small moon blocking him, so he detached from “his” ship and went over in his stolen space suit to Mark’s capsule. BOOM! Hank’s rocket exploded. “Hi Mark.” said Hank. “Hi, Hank.” said Mark.

“We have to get out of here!” said Mark. “The police have taken a rocket too! Sure enough, there was a rocket with “POLICE O9’’ written on it in blue letters chasing them through space...INTO AN ASTEROID FIELD! Mark navigated the asteroid field without a scratch. The police, however, nearly exploded 9 times! After they got through, the police chased them around a supernova, around a Red Giant, (a star that will supernova soon that is about 15 times bigger than the sun) ,around a planet, around a sunlike star, and right into a tractor beam from an alien star cruiser!

Chapter 3: Aliens

The alien ship sucked in the bad guys. “*%()#**+-.=$$$!’’ said an alien that was warty, green, and had eyes on stalks. A few more of these weirdos were standing behind him. Hank checked his “alien language book” and said to Mark, “We are REALLY in trouble. Those creatures are called Graknils and they always want prisoners. RUN FOR IT!’’ Hank and Mark ran to the ship. They both grabbed a blaster but it was too late! A cage slammed down on top of them! “Now what?” said Mark. “We’re trapped like fish in a tree! Wait, what did I say?” “You said we’re trapped like fish in a tree.” said Hank. “WHAT!?!?!?!?” yelled Mark. “Yep.” said Hank.

The End

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