Thursday, August 10, 2017

Interview with Trevor

By Daniel

Q. What is your favorite dessert?
A. My favorite dessert is ice cream sundaes!

Q. What is your favorite breakfast food?
A. I would say cereal, I eat it every morning. Captain Crunch is for sure my favorite cereal.

Q. What is your favorite elephant?
A. The african elephant, they are the mammal with the largest ears!

Q. What is your favorite sport?
A. To play baseball and to watch football.

Q. What is your favorite hat?
A. I have a Red Sox hat with the Red Sox logo from the 1900’s.

Q. What is your favorite Spongebob character?
A. My favorite character would be either Spongebob or Patrick.

Q. Can you make a pillow?
A. No, I can’t. I wish I could take pillow making class to learn.

Q. What is your favorite lunch food?

A. I pretty much eat a peanut butter sandwich everyday for lunch.

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