Thursday, July 27, 2017

Favorite Book Survey

By Olevia

Harry Potter: 15 votes

Green Eggs and Ham: 4 Votes

The Princess in Black: 1 Vote

Hands Hands Fingers Thumb: 0 Votes

Lightning: 0 Votes

Ada Twist Scientist: 2 Votes

I Don’t Have One: 6 Votes

All of Them: 2 Votes
Harry Potter is the winner!!

Interview with Joci

By Ellie
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food is broccoli.
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is lavender, which is a shade of purple.
What is your favorite word?
My favorite word is plethora, which means a lot.
What is your favorite type of ice cream?
My favorite type of ice cream is birthday cake ice cream.
What is your favorite type of instrument?
My favorite type of instrument is an acoustic guitar.
What is your favorite camp activity?

My favorite camp activity is Pillow Making with Tori.

Interview with Nathalie

By Oscar

What is your favorite car?
My car.

What kind of car do you have?
A silver BMW.

What is your favorite snack?

What is your favorite sport?
Skiing and soccer.

Who do you like better: George Washington or Abraham Lincoln? (no offense to whoever you don’t choose, they were both great)
George Washington

Favorite Color Survey

By Olevia

Laser Lemon: 5 votes

Electric Lime: 7 votes

Chestnut: 1 votes

Cauliflower: 0 votes

Red Orange: 3 votes

Yellow Green: 2 votes

None of these: 8 votes

All of them: 3 votes

What is your favorite instrument Survey

By Talia

Electric Guitar: 3 Votes

Acoustic Guitar: 2 Votes

Electric Bass: 1 Vote

Drums: 3 Votes

Piano: 3 Votes

Keyboard: 1 Vote

Tuba: 0 Votes

Trumpet: 2 Votes

Fluit: 3 Votes

Ukulele: 3 Votes

Violin: 1 Votes

All of These: 8 Votes

None of These: 3 Votes

The winner is all of them!!!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Favorite Animal Survey

By Nicole

  1. Jaguar: 1 Vote
  2. Shark: 3 Votes
  3. Dog: 4 Votes
  4. Tiger: 5 Votes
  5. Cat: 1 Vote
  6. Puppy: 6 Votes
  7. Kitten: 3 Votes
  8. Elephant: 3 Votes
  9. Dolphin: 4 Votes
  10. Whale: 2 Votes
  11. Horse: 3 Votes
  12. Pony: 1 Vote
  13. Cow: 1 Vote
  14. Sheep: 1 Vote
  15. Chicken: 1 Vote
  16. Pig: 1 Vote  
  17. Orca: 3 Votes
  18. Bunny: 3 Votes
  19. Fox: 3 Votes
  20. Wolf: 4 Votes

The winner was… Puppy!

Favorite Pokemon Survey

By Zach

Squirtle: 4 Votes

Pikachu: 18 Votes

Charizard: 5 Votes

Pikachu won!

Pikachu got the most votes.

Favorite Song Survey

By Mattia

Shake it off: 5 Votes
Bad Blood:1 Vote
Can’t Stop the Feeling: 8 Votes
Uptown Funk: 4 Votes
All of Them: 5 Votes
None of Them: 3 Votes

Can’t Stop the Feeling won!

Favorite Candy Survey

By Ellie

m&m’s: 5 Votes

Skittles: 4 Votes

Twix Bars: 4 Votes

Snickers: 1 Votes

None of These: 7 Votes

The winner is...none of these!

What is your Favorite Food Survey?

By Sam

Hot Dogs: 3 Votes

Ice Cream: 8 Votes

Candy: 3 Votes

Grapes: 1 Vote

Pizza: 11 Votes

Pasta: 2 Votes

All of These: 5 Votes

None of These: 2 Votes

Pizza Won!!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Ms. O’ Harris The Spy

By Allie

Ms. O’ Harris was a perfectly normal woman. She had one secret, she was a spy!
She never told anyone her secret. She was allowed to tell one person her secret but

she did not know who to tell. Ms. O’ Harris always wore pink clothes and purple lipstick. She wanted people to know her secret but she did not know who to tell because she could only tell one person. One day she went to the mall. They were selling spy gadgets. She wanted to get one but since she hadn’t told anyone her secret she refused. She did need more pink clothes so she went into Bloomingdales. They had no pink so she went into Macys. Macys had pink clothes so she bought three pairs of shirts and 6 pairs of shorts. Then Ms. O’ Harris went back to the spy gadgets when nobody was around and bought a lipstick laser gadget. Then she went up the escalator to get in her car and went back to her house. She went upstairs and put her gadget in the safe and her clothes in her drawers.  Then she put the code on the safe. She protected the safe like a priceless artifact was inside of it. The lipstick was pretty valuable. Then she went back downstairs and made herself her nighttime cup of coffee. Then she went back upstairs and went to bed. The next day she got an email that she was assigned to a mission.  She woke up very early when it was just about six and got her new pink clothes on. She went downstairs and made herself some toast.  Then Ms. O’ Harris walked out the door with her lipstick gadget. She had to go New York for her mission.  She did not like the food they had in New York. But she was not able to go home. But once she completed her mission which was looking for a thief named Clare. She could do whatever she wanted in New York. But once she finished her mission she totally wanted to go back to her house in San Diego. Then she was walking right next to a very suspicious person. Ms. O’ Harris scanned the person and it was who she was looking for. She used her lipstick laser and completed her mission. Ms. O’ harris said, “finally”. She returned to San Diego. The End!

Review of Founding of Hogwarts

By Nicole

This is why I think you should read the Founding of Hogwarts. I will give you 3 reasons why:
    1. Because it is a very funny book.
    2. if you like harry potter you will like it.
 3. It is about a group of Animals that work together to make Hogwarts.
That’s why I think you should read the Founding of Hogwarts!  

The Dog

By Alexis

The dog was mean and grumpy and no one adopted him. But one day a robber stole the dog. The dog was grumpy, but a cat followed the robber. The cat scratched the robber in the face and
ran home with the dog.
Dog - Free images on PixabayThe End  

What is your Favorite Fruit or Vegetable?

By Georgie

Watermelon: 8 votes

Carrots: 2 votes

Tomatoes: 1 vote

Apples: 2 votes

Blueberries: 2 votes

Strawberries: 5 votes

Grapes: 3 votes

Watermelon is the winner!

The Dog

By Mena
Once there was a mother, a father and a baby. One Day the dog gently bit the baby and the baby started laughing.
Free stock photos of dog snout · Pexels

A List Spells From Harry Potter

by Henry

1. Lumos: Light
2.Nox: Extinguishes the light at the end of your wand.
3. Stupefy: Petrifies a person for a short time.
4. Expelliarmus: Disarms the person hit by spell.
5. Augamenti: Shoots water from wand.
6. Obliviate: Removes a person’s memory.
7. Accio: Brings an object to person.
8. Morsmorde: Summons Dark Mark
9. Langlock: Makes someone’s tongue stuck to the top of their Mouth.
10. Tarantella: Makes your feet go crazy.
11. Moblicorpus: Control over someone’s body.
12. Alohamora: Opens locked doors.
13. Exepecto Patronum: Summons a patronus to chase away dementors.
14. Crucio: gives a person pure pain.
15. Wingardium Leviosa: Raise an object into the air.
16. Imperio: Pain and number 13.
The End.

Interview with Dina

By Nora

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mocha Chip is my favorite.

What is your favorite food?
I love sushi!

What is your favorite car?
I’m not really a car person.

What is your favorite friendship bracelet to make?
V stitch.

How many years have you been a CIT?
This is my first year as a CIT.

What is your favorite animal?
My favorite animal is a dog.

What is your favorite color?
Green is my favorite.

What is your favorite part about camp?
Everything, duh!

How old are you?

I’m 14 years old.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Tennis Player

By Alllie

Amy was a little girl about to be five years old. But right now, it was Tuesday and she was bored. Her parents were Mrs. and Mr. Collie. They bought Amy many toys, but she was not interested. She wanted to get outside and do something. She tried many times but she did not not know what to do outside. One day she tried again and said, “Mommy Daddy can I play tennis?” At first they were going to say no. Then they thought about it and said, “yes, sure”. Amy was so excited but first she had to get a tennis racket. Once she got home she went in her basement and started hitting tennis balls against the wall. Then her parents called, “Amy time for dinner”. Amy wanted to keep playing but she had to eat. The next morning she started her tennis lessons. It was a bit hard but she got the hang of  it. After tennis Amy had lunch. Once she finished she went back down to the basement to practice her tennis. The next day was her birthday: Wednesday, June 11th. She was so excited. After practicing, her mom said, “Do you want to come pick out your cake with me?” Amy said, “yes sure” the same thing that Ms. Collie said when she agreed to tennis. To get the cake they went to a shop called Fudge. The cake was white with rainbow sprinkles. Out of all the cakes that cake was Amy’s favorite cake. There were blue cakes and purple cakes, but that was the one Amy liked the most. She could not wait to eat it. Once it was all ready the cake said, “Happy Birthday Amy!!!” in pink icing. Her favorite color. When she got home she went down to the basement with her mom to put the cake in the fridge because the upstairs fridge was full. Then her mom went upstairs and Amy practiced her tennis. She was getting a lot better at tennis. After practicing for two hours she got very hungry then her mom called her for lunch. For lunch she had a grilled cheese sandwich. After lunch she went for a bike ride with her dad. She loved biking and was very good at it but she liked tennis a lot better. Amy knew there would be lots of presents but the one she wanted the most was a new bike pink and sparkley. Her parents did not know that is what was what Amy wanted they are going to get her a fish but Amy also wanted a fish but not as much as the bike. But Amy really did not care what she she got for her birthday. The next day she woke up so early because she was so happy that the day was finally here! She ran into her parents room. And jumped on Ms. Collie. Ms. Collie was surprised she woke up so early then ran down the stairs with Amy. They ran all the way to the basement to get the cake out of the fridge.  An hour later she woke up her dad. Her dad needed sleep but it was her birthday.  Amy was so happy!  First her parents acted like they had no present for her but later in the day they surprised her with a present.  Even though she wanted a tennis racket she was so happy to have a fish.  But one of her friends,  Alice, got her a new pink and shiny tennis racket. The next day Amy played her first tennis match everybody was cheering for her she was so good! She was the future of tennis. The end!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

What is Your Favorite Team Survey

By Alex

Bruins: 2 Votes

Yankees: 0 Votes

Red Sox: 5 Votes

Patriots: 6 Votes

Celtics: 2 Votes

Canadiens: 1 Vote

None of These Teams: 7 Votes

No teams on this list won!

The Thing About the Girl

By Bree
Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Emma she likes to play and go on adventures. She has 2 older sisters and a dad and mom. One of Emma’s sister's name was Lily, her other sister’s name was Alice. Everyday they would go outside and talk about their day. They always said it was a good day. One day Emma didn’t see her sisters go to school. She was worried that something happened to them. She went to California, Florida, Rio, Mexico, Ohio, New Mexico, Arizona, and New York but she couldn’t find her sisters. She began to cry. Suddenly, she heard a strange voice behind her. She turned around and said hello but no one was there. The bushes began to rumble and a big spaceship appeared with her sisters in the spaceship! Emma went into the spaceship, it was cold and dark but she wasn’t scared. She went up 5 feet of stairs. Finally she got to the top. There were her sisters trapped in a cage. “Who put you in there?” said Emma. “We don’t know! We were just walking to school when we got picked up and thrown in a big bag. Then we got trapped in this spaceship” said Alice. “Now we just want to get out” said Lily. Alice found a way out. “Let’s go home” said Emma. Their parents were very happy to see their kids. But they also were mad because they didn’t go to school and their teachers called home and from that day on they would take their dad’s car to school and they lived happily ever after.


Favorite Dog Survey

By Allie

Poodle: 0 votes

Yorkie: 2 votes

Bulldog: 1 vote

Golden Retriever: 15 votes

Golden Retriever won!

The Cat

By Alexis 

The cat was nice and everyone wanted the cat. And one day a robber came and took the cat.The cat scratched the  robber in the face and ran home. All of the people chased. The cat and the owner found out! And the owner said ’’get out of my way‘’ and they grab. The cat and they lived happily ever after.