Friday, July 21, 2017

Ms. O’ Harris The Spy

By Allie

Ms. O’ Harris was a perfectly normal woman. She had one secret, she was a spy!
She never told anyone her secret. She was allowed to tell one person her secret but

she did not know who to tell. Ms. O’ Harris always wore pink clothes and purple lipstick. She wanted people to know her secret but she did not know who to tell because she could only tell one person. One day she went to the mall. They were selling spy gadgets. She wanted to get one but since she hadn’t told anyone her secret she refused. She did need more pink clothes so she went into Bloomingdales. They had no pink so she went into Macys. Macys had pink clothes so she bought three pairs of shirts and 6 pairs of shorts. Then Ms. O’ Harris went back to the spy gadgets when nobody was around and bought a lipstick laser gadget. Then she went up the escalator to get in her car and went back to her house. She went upstairs and put her gadget in the safe and her clothes in her drawers.  Then she put the code on the safe. She protected the safe like a priceless artifact was inside of it. The lipstick was pretty valuable. Then she went back downstairs and made herself her nighttime cup of coffee. Then she went back upstairs and went to bed. The next day she got an email that she was assigned to a mission.  She woke up very early when it was just about six and got her new pink clothes on. She went downstairs and made herself some toast.  Then Ms. O’ Harris walked out the door with her lipstick gadget. She had to go New York for her mission.  She did not like the food they had in New York. But she was not able to go home. But once she completed her mission which was looking for a thief named Clare. She could do whatever she wanted in New York. But once she finished her mission she totally wanted to go back to her house in San Diego. Then she was walking right next to a very suspicious person. Ms. O’ Harris scanned the person and it was who she was looking for. She used her lipstick laser and completed her mission. Ms. O’ harris said, “finally”. She returned to San Diego. The End!

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