Friday, July 7, 2017

The Shoe Elves

By Duncan

There were three elves and they were named The Elf Brothers. Tim, Zack and Shoe lived in a dead tree with the evil Zookalas. They poured Purell on their heads so they moved. They were looking for a home but everything was too big. They found a shoe and there were these weird stretchy things on it. They went inside of the shoe and it smelled funny and had a paper clip stuck inside. They made themselves comfortable. It was dark so they went to bed. They woke up with a giant foot inside the shoe! They tried getting out of the shoe. The shoe was shaking loud and crazy like this book. Okay, after a lot of shaking they climbed out of the shoe. They saw the big room that had a big sink, a big chair and a big bed like this book okay? They smushed everything and they left. The End.        

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