Thursday, July 20, 2017

The Tennis Player

By Alllie

Amy was a little girl about to be five years old. But right now, it was Tuesday and she was bored. Her parents were Mrs. and Mr. Collie. They bought Amy many toys, but she was not interested. She wanted to get outside and do something. She tried many times but she did not not know what to do outside. One day she tried again and said, “Mommy Daddy can I play tennis?” At first they were going to say no. Then they thought about it and said, “yes, sure”. Amy was so excited but first she had to get a tennis racket. Once she got home she went in her basement and started hitting tennis balls against the wall. Then her parents called, “Amy time for dinner”. Amy wanted to keep playing but she had to eat. The next morning she started her tennis lessons. It was a bit hard but she got the hang of  it. After tennis Amy had lunch. Once she finished she went back down to the basement to practice her tennis. The next day was her birthday: Wednesday, June 11th. She was so excited. After practicing, her mom said, “Do you want to come pick out your cake with me?” Amy said, “yes sure” the same thing that Ms. Collie said when she agreed to tennis. To get the cake they went to a shop called Fudge. The cake was white with rainbow sprinkles. Out of all the cakes that cake was Amy’s favorite cake. There were blue cakes and purple cakes, but that was the one Amy liked the most. She could not wait to eat it. Once it was all ready the cake said, “Happy Birthday Amy!!!” in pink icing. Her favorite color. When she got home she went down to the basement with her mom to put the cake in the fridge because the upstairs fridge was full. Then her mom went upstairs and Amy practiced her tennis. She was getting a lot better at tennis. After practicing for two hours she got very hungry then her mom called her for lunch. For lunch she had a grilled cheese sandwich. After lunch she went for a bike ride with her dad. She loved biking and was very good at it but she liked tennis a lot better. Amy knew there would be lots of presents but the one she wanted the most was a new bike pink and sparkley. Her parents did not know that is what was what Amy wanted they are going to get her a fish but Amy also wanted a fish but not as much as the bike. But Amy really did not care what she she got for her birthday. The next day she woke up so early because she was so happy that the day was finally here! She ran into her parents room. And jumped on Ms. Collie. Ms. Collie was surprised she woke up so early then ran down the stairs with Amy. They ran all the way to the basement to get the cake out of the fridge.  An hour later she woke up her dad. Her dad needed sleep but it was her birthday.  Amy was so happy!  First her parents acted like they had no present for her but later in the day they surprised her with a present.  Even though she wanted a tennis racket she was so happy to have a fish.  But one of her friends,  Alice, got her a new pink and shiny tennis racket. The next day Amy played her first tennis match everybody was cheering for her she was so good! She was the future of tennis. The end!

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