Monday, July 17, 2017

Meatball Sunday

By Allie

Ms. Colet was 44 years old. She has 12 children: Conner, Alice, Bronner, George, Lily, Nick, Natalie, Emma, John, Kathrin, Emily, and Jack. They were all very nice but there was one problem. She had no food for her children. So every day her 14 year old daughter Emily had to work to get money for the family. After work every day she gave her money she earned to her mom. But her son Conner would always steal the money to buy sweets, the only thing he cared about. Ms. Colet was not married. All she wanted was food for her children. Alice loved meatballs, and she was very very smart. She had happend to be working on a invention. It was her greatest invention yet. She had been working on it since she was 3 years old. It was called the Fooditizer. Alice is now 13. She has been putting all her work into it. Alice did not know what it would do so she tested it on the sky. It made meatballs. Everybody in the town was thrilled. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.

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