Friday, July 7, 2017

The Good Ghost Of Haunted Hill

By Oscar

The Good Ghost Of Haunted Hill  

Chapter One
Mr. Ghost was a ghost who liked to help people. But he never had a chance to do it because he lived on Haunted Hill. Everyone who lived on the hill was evil so all the good guys were scared of him. One dreary night when he was sobbing himself to sleep (much sadder than usual) he decided that he would run away. ‘’No one likes me anyway.’’ he thought. It’s worth it.

Chapter Two

After he had gotten 60 miles away from Haunted Hill, he discovered a great new land: The Land Of Books, a jolly land with fantastic food, silly statues, and rip-roaring rides!  Too bad EVERYONE  was TERRIFIED  of him. ‘’But-’’ was all he said before everyone yelled, ‘’FORGET IT!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!”  Poor Mr. Ghost.

Chapter Three


 When he was 9,000,000,000,000 (9 trillion) miles away from the terrified Land Of Books, he uncovered Ghoulland, under evil Darth Barf’s command. See, the ghouls in here were friendly so they were afraid that Mr. Ghost was evil. They cried, “Zonde xatr noink  asdx  casv zat na!!!” Meaning: RUN FOR IT!!! In ghoul talk. Poor Mr. Ghost.

Chapter Four

999,999,999,999,999 (999 trillion, 999 billion, 999 million, 999 thousand, 999) miles away from Ghoulland, Mr. Ghost found Ghostland! It was the land he wanted to be in all of his life! He easily made friends with a ghost named Burt. ‘’Wanna go out to dinner together?’’ said Burt. ‘’I’m kinda hungry.’’ ‘’Sure!’’ said Mr Ghost. ‘’I’m hungry too.’’ So they ate all kinds of ghost food, went home, went to bed, slept, woke up in the morning, and lived happily ever after.

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