Friday, July 31, 2015

Favorite Video Game Survey

By Julian

All Games: 10 votes

Action: 2 votes

Role Playing: 0 votes

Simulation: 1 vote

Brain Teasing: 0 votes

Horror: 2 votes

Adventure: 6 votes

I Don't Play Video Games: 22 votes

Wow I can not believe so many people don't play video games.

Jokes and Riddles survey

By Beckett

I wanted to know if people liked jokes or riddles more.

Jokes: 3 votes

Riddles: 13 votes

I think riddles won because they make you think more than jokes.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Life of the Night Guard

By Julian
Once upon a few hours one day, July 96th to be exact. Someone was checking his comments from a previous Youtube video. In the video he had asked for suggestions of new games to review.DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The one with the most suggestions was called Five Nights at Freddy’s. So he went on his computer and searched up Five Nights at Freddy’s. It came up and it said:Five Nights at Freddy’s


“Wow pretty cheap for such a popular game.” he said “wait a minute are people trying to trick me.” he said “eh I,ll just get it anyway.” THE NEXT DAY.

“Well hello everybody and welcome to another gaming video and last time I asked you guys for suggestions for new games and so many of you guys suggested this game  and here’s the big reveal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“It’s Five Nights at freddy’s  everyone now this title screen is pretty scary so the only reason i’m playing this is because all of you suggested this game and i hope this isn't a trick but here we go new game 12:00 first night.”

“Grand Reopening Fredbear’s Family diner reopens after “OK I ran out of reading time.”

12:00 AM  first night.


“Hello welcome to your first night on the job at Fredbear’s Family Diner” “you know what mute call.” “ok now what.” “alright, first things first  how do I move!” A FEW MINUTES LATER
“ok I have pressed every key that makes any sense to be the move key so know what YOU CAN'T MOVE IN THIS GAME!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” So ahhh what do you do in this game?! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.””where am I. wait oh no.”



“ok really what do i do in here ah theres the phone again lets listen” when the phone call was over he  just checked his cameras, checked the doors and he noticed one of the animatronics had moved and disappeared on his cameras he checked one of the doors  and “aaaaaaahhhhhhh”  to be continued   

Favortie Color Survey


Blue: 8 votes           

Purple: 7 votes

Green: 2 votes

Yellow: 1 vote

Gold: 4 votes

Pink 2 votes

Hot Pink: 1 vote

I love blue I think blue won because it’s everywhere.

Trevor’s Secret Robot

By Sita
Trevor had a secret. He had a robot that did all his chores for him. Of course, his mother didn’t know THAT. So Trevor never had to do any work. But one day,his mom asked Trevor to teach his little brother Kyle, how to do work around the house. Trevor didn’t know what to do. His mother would notice that he had no idea how to clear the table, take out the garbage, or cut the grass. He had to do something. Something fast. Then he thought of something. He would learn to how to do chores just this one time. Then his robot would do them again for him. But when Trevor tried to learn how to mop, his mother said, “are you having trouble with that broom?”. “Um,no” Trevor mumbled. She gave him a funny look, but then left the kitchen. Trevor breathed a sigh of relief. Safe. Finally he had nothing to worry about.Trevor lived a great life.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Favorite Class Survey

By Thomas

Art: 0 votes

Camp Newspaper: 1 vote

Clay Handbuilding: 2 votes

Swim: 11 votes

Movie Making: 3 votes

Pillow Making: 2 votes

Sports: 6 votes

Set Design: 3 votes

Dance: 1 vote

Gimp: 0 votes

Friendship Bracelets: 1 vote

Rock Band: 3 votes

I think swim won because well, who doesn't like to swim?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CHS Camp Word Search

By Jonah

W L F A E U Y X N I E P U L N O C Z Y L 
B R K P H G D O J O Z O J T S O E H Y U 
W I M G L X O Z S H Y S Y S C J Y C C B 
A O I T F N N I O T N V H G U V W S C J 
K D A R T V N L M D R L A E Z S B U D F 
V D R I A N N I C Q D D T M D S R B Z V 
P P M A E J T U K B M I Z E B B N N I S 
V E L T M Q B D O E S N I F W L B X F G 
A A O P A A B F J Z X V H C E O V Q S G 
H A A K I W V D C V H X J N E Z L S U L 
N V V T B Z C S C O R P Z N M J K C C S 
H S I F D L O G C Z F C I E N B G W R F 
K C U T G B H X Y G F A H W R I V X A C 
Q P O S H C G E P P B R F S L O X S M A 
R R Z V Q D D W I A V D X P H D V B T M 
I D O A F X G M N C N E B A Z W Q E S P 
A T A T Y H Y P R N B C Z P K G A W R X 
P T Q E J C Y G D T G Y O E M K S W A T 
O D C Y H O E X B T P Z T R A D P P R U 
F K L B T V J R W C Z Z V V K J O N A H 


My Trip to Canada

By: Jonah  
I went to Canada for a week and it was really fun! First I went to Montreal and went on a ropes course. A couple of days later we went to Ottawa. The first day in Ottawa we just walked around town. The second day in Ottawa my mom, my dad and I went to visit a overnight camp that my cousins go to. The next day I went back to Montreal and went on the boat called Jumping Sheep.[It’s in the old port in old Montreal]. We had to put on a ton of gear to go! The driver of the boat drove us to some rapids and got us as wet as possible. The vacation was really fun but I was sad to leave.       

Click here to see more images of Canada

Monday, July 27, 2015

Favorite Type of Cake Survey

By Julia

Ice Cream: 12 votes

Chocolate: 7 votes

Vanilla: 6 votes

Carrot: 2 votes

Lemon: 1 vote

Coffee: 1 vote

Strawberry: 2 votes

I was voting for ice cream so I was happy that it won! I think everybody should try if they have not yet.

Hardest Words I Can Spell

By Jacob
















Interview with Tori

By Jonah

Q:What’s your favorite part about camp?

A: BBQ day!

Q: How many camps have you worked at?

A: I’ve worked at two different camps

Q: How many years have you worked at all the camps you’ve worked at?

A:A total of five Years

Q: Do you like camp?

A: Yes!

Q: Do you have any siblings

A: I have one sister

When a Giant Took Over the City!

By:  Sita

One day a girl named Caitlin woke up in the middle of a nightmare.She had been dreaming about a big guy who was chasing her with a big box of graham crackers. Caitlin HATED graham crackers.The big guy was named TREVOR THE TERRIBLE! Then Trevor dumped the ENORMOUS box of graham crackers on Caitlin! Caitlin was forced to eat her way out of the pile (which was huge). After that, Caitlin walked home so slowly that even a snail could beat her! But just as she got to her driveway, a huge voice said  “WHO DARES ENTER THE HOUSE OF TERROR!!!!”. Caitlin was so scared that she ran inside her house. But she had a feeling someone was following her… The next day Caitlin heard someone calling her. “Coming, dad!” she called. “I AM NOT YOUR DAD!” screamed the voice. “I AM TREVOR, TREVOR THE TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” it said. Trevor seemed to be coming nearer & nearer! Caitlin thought of jumping out a window, but that might not be a good idea because she lived in a 15 story building on the top floor. Just then the doorknob opened and a huge foot stuck in her doorway! Then Caitlin realized that Trevor was a giant!!!! She screamed and ran under her bed to hide. “WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!” Trevor roared while looking at Caitlin’s bed. Caitlin looked out her window. Trevor had uprooted trees, smashed houses & broken up the street. But then Trevor tripped over Caitlin’s bed & Caitlin saw her chance. She wrapped Trevor up in the sheets. But then Trevor got really mad. He shouted some MAGIC words & he disappeared!Caitlin was really happy.

The Missing Ruby Pt. 1

By Caitlin

Sita and DJ were bored. It was raining like crazy! I’m bored Sita said. Me and DJ walked to the kitchen. There they saw their dad. What’s up kids? Dad asked. I’m bored. DJ said. Guess what? There is a lost Ruby at the local Jewel Store…                                            

Friday, July 24, 2015

Duck Survey

By Thomas


Wanted the duck to stay: 14 votes

Wanted the duck to leave: 4 votes

Didn’t know: 3 votes

I knew stay would win because everyone loved watching the duck that was just swimming in the pool. Even though I voted for didn't know I was still happy that stay won.


By Jonah

One day I was at the stadium getting ready for a game. I was in the batter's box trying really hard to hit as many balls as I could, and I got really happy when I hit every single one. [If you were wondering it was about 70 baseballs]. Noah was first up to bat, he swung the bat as hard as he could but he missed and the bat went flying. The problem was that Noah would not let go of the bat.  No, it could not be we had just lost one of our best players. It was bottom of the 9th, our team was tied with the other 17 to 17. There were 2 outs and the count was 0 strikes and 1 ball. First there was a fastball strike 1! The umpire boomed in my ear “Strike!” Then there was a dreadful curveball and another strike which the umpire boomed into my ear. This was our final chance for the team to win the Little League World Series. The pitch was a Fastball. I swung. I hit it. It went flying and the good part was that I let go of the bat and boom it’s a HOMERUN!!!!!!!!! We had really won the Little League World Series and we could not believe it! The party lasted a whole month! The End!

The Duck in the Pool


There was a duck in the pool at camp. The lifeguards took a net to fish out the duck but the duck would fly away. Everyone during lunch was watching it and weren't eating their lunch.  For half of NoonTime we watched the duck. Then we talked and danced for the duck at NoonTime. Then he finally left the pool. Then at snack the duck came back and flew over everyone. The End

Favorite Movie Survey

By Maya and Hayden

Inside Out: 10 votes

The Lego Movie: 1 votes

Frozen: 2 votes

Minions: 3 votes

Parent Trap: 9 votes

Harry Potter: 7 votes

Shrek: 1 vote

Toy Story: 1 vote

Star Wars: 3 votes

Paddington: 1 vote

Inside Out got 10 votes! We think it got 10 votes because it was Pixar’s best movie since Up! The picture shows the main characters Fear, Sadness, Joy, Disgust, and Anger.

Favorite Pizza Topping Survey

By Thomas


Pepperoni: 8 votes

Cheese: 21 votes

Mushrooms: 0 votes

Olives: 2 votes

Broccoli: 3 votes

Pineapple and Ham: 3 votes

Sausage: 0 votes

Pepper: 0 votes

I think cheese won because it is plain and is regular which is also why pepperoni came in 2nd.

My Brother's Name is Brother

By Jonah

I had a brother

His name was Brother

He always said

“Hey brother want to play outside”

It was starting to get weird cause

His name is Brother and my name is Joe

I went to mother one day and asked,

“Why is Brother calling me brother cause his name is Brother

and my name Joe?”

Mom said,

“Cause you're his brother”

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Little Lion

By Sairsha
One morning on Evan’s st. there was a lion in the zoo. Everyone that came to the zoo wanted to see him. The lion loved being seen by so many people. Everybody wanted to see him because he was so cute. The lion loved his mom and dad. One little girl loved him more than anything. Her mom and dad loved the lion too. The zookeeper gave the lion’s their lunch. The lions ate all off their lunch and the little lion went to sleep. In the morning the lion’s got their breakfast and went for a walk. Then it was the little lion’s birthday party and all the lions came to celebrate.


Favorite Character Survey

By Shiraz

I asked 26 people who their favorite character is.
Image result for minions
Mickey Mouse: 2 Votes

Elmo: 2 Votes

Cookie Monster: 1 Votes

Spongebob Squarepants: 2 Votes

Thomas the Tank Engine: 2 Votes

Shrek: 2 Votes

Minions: 9 Votes

Batman: 0 Votes

Scooby Doo: 6 Votes

I am very happy that Minions won!!!

Favorite Season Survey

By Vasiliki

I surveyed 19 people what their favorite season was.
Image result for autumn

Summer:6 votes

Spring:2 votes

Fall: 9 votes

Winter: 2 votes

I think Fall won because it is warm.