Thursday, July 2, 2015

Interview with Ryan

By Ezra

Q:Do you like the color red?
A:Of all the colors Red has to be my favorite.

Q:Do you like to  zigzag when walking or running?
A: I tend to practice zig zagging as much as possible because it is a skill that everyone needs to know especially when being chased by a bear.                 

Q: What is your  favorite animal?
A: My favorite animal has always been the ring tailed lemur ever since Zaboomafoo.
Q:What is your favorite number?
A:The number 1234567890 is my favorite number because it is the number you get after writing all the first digits.

Q:What is your favorite subject in school?
A:My favorite subject has to be Recess because playing on the monkey bars is what I live for.

Q:How long have you been at CHSCASP?
A: I have been here since I was 3 years old so that means that I have been here for 17 years!

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