Thursday, July 30, 2015

Trevor’s Secret Robot

By Sita
Trevor had a secret. He had a robot that did all his chores for him. Of course, his mother didn’t know THAT. So Trevor never had to do any work. But one day,his mom asked Trevor to teach his little brother Kyle, how to do work around the house. Trevor didn’t know what to do. His mother would notice that he had no idea how to clear the table, take out the garbage, or cut the grass. He had to do something. Something fast. Then he thought of something. He would learn to how to do chores just this one time. Then his robot would do them again for him. But when Trevor tried to learn how to mop, his mother said, “are you having trouble with that broom?”. “Um,no” Trevor mumbled. She gave him a funny look, but then left the kitchen. Trevor breathed a sigh of relief. Safe. Finally he had nothing to worry about.Trevor lived a great life.


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