Friday, July 10, 2015

Riddles and Jokes

By Jasmine

Fred and Bob were riding their horses on a long journey they stopped to get supplies. When they stopped they saw a bunch of brown horses. Fred asked Bob how can we tell which ones are ours Bob said that they should cut their tails so they did. When they were done they rode to the next stop, then Bob asked Fred how can we tell are horses from the other brown horses Fred said I will put a red spot on my horse you will put a blue spot on you horse, so they did. When they came out they rode to the next stop, Fred asked Bob how can we tell are horses apart from the other brown horses, and Bob said wait why don’t I just go on the black one and you just go on the white one!   

A lady had twins but they were born on a different year, on a different month and on a different minute, How is that possible?

One was born on December 31 at 11:59 and the other was born on January 1, at 12:00.

Why did the lady go outside with her purse open?

To see if there was any change in the weather!  

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