Monday, July 27, 2015

When a Giant Took Over the City!

By:  Sita

One day a girl named Caitlin woke up in the middle of a nightmare.She had been dreaming about a big guy who was chasing her with a big box of graham crackers. Caitlin HATED graham crackers.The big guy was named TREVOR THE TERRIBLE! Then Trevor dumped the ENORMOUS box of graham crackers on Caitlin! Caitlin was forced to eat her way out of the pile (which was huge). After that, Caitlin walked home so slowly that even a snail could beat her! But just as she got to her driveway, a huge voice said  “WHO DARES ENTER THE HOUSE OF TERROR!!!!”. Caitlin was so scared that she ran inside her house. But she had a feeling someone was following her… The next day Caitlin heard someone calling her. “Coming, dad!” she called. “I AM NOT YOUR DAD!” screamed the voice. “I AM TREVOR, TREVOR THE TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” it said. Trevor seemed to be coming nearer & nearer! Caitlin thought of jumping out a window, but that might not be a good idea because she lived in a 15 story building on the top floor. Just then the doorknob opened and a huge foot stuck in her doorway! Then Caitlin realized that Trevor was a giant!!!! She screamed and ran under her bed to hide. “WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!” Trevor roared while looking at Caitlin’s bed. Caitlin looked out her window. Trevor had uprooted trees, smashed houses & broken up the street. But then Trevor tripped over Caitlin’s bed & Caitlin saw her chance. She wrapped Trevor up in the sheets. But then Trevor got really mad. He shouted some MAGIC words & he disappeared!Caitlin was really happy.

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