Friday, July 10, 2015

Adventures Under the Sea

By Margaux and Sydney

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lia. Her deep interest was under the sea. Lia had a fight with her mom and dad it was about going to the sea. When she asked her parents to go they replied “NO NO NO you are too little”. Lia was mad! In the middle of the night Lia snuck into her parents room and checked if they were sleeping...and so they were. She tiptoed back to her room. She grabbed her bathing suite, her towel and her sunscreen (even though she didn’t need it) and off to the beach she went. On the way she met a shark that was out of the water and walking on it’s tail. The shark said “HOWDY WHATCHA DOING?”. Lia was so startled that she almost laughed but she thought that’s just weird! I must be dreaming! Lia said “hello taking shark that can breath out of water and walk with it’s fins on the road”. Then suddenly Lia’s legs and feet felt numb. Lia screamed when she saw her legs turning into a tail. She tried breathing but she could not .The shark saw what was happening so he picked up Lia, hopped to the sea and threw her into the water. Meanwhile back at Lia’s house her parents were having a bad dream when they woke up. It did not take them long to realize that there arms had a small cut. Oh no! They cried we did not have this cut before! Her parents talked so fast that they didn’t notice that there feet were turning into a tail!!! The shark sensed the blood and hopped over to their house. On their doorstep there was a sign it said “Lia zigzag” the shark went into her house and he saw Lia’s parents lying on the floor. They said “Help us !!!! PLEASE!!!” The shark picked up her parents and threw them into the ocean! Then they saw Lia. Her parents said “What are you doing here before us?”. Lia told them the whole story. They responded saying “At least you are safe”. The End.

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