Friday, July 24, 2015


By Jonah

One day I was at the stadium getting ready for a game. I was in the batter's box trying really hard to hit as many balls as I could, and I got really happy when I hit every single one. [If you were wondering it was about 70 baseballs]. Noah was first up to bat, he swung the bat as hard as he could but he missed and the bat went flying. The problem was that Noah would not let go of the bat.  No, it could not be we had just lost one of our best players. It was bottom of the 9th, our team was tied with the other 17 to 17. There were 2 outs and the count was 0 strikes and 1 ball. First there was a fastball strike 1! The umpire boomed in my ear “Strike!” Then there was a dreadful curveball and another strike which the umpire boomed into my ear. This was our final chance for the team to win the Little League World Series. The pitch was a Fastball. I swung. I hit it. It went flying and the good part was that I let go of the bat and boom it’s a HOMERUN!!!!!!!!! We had really won the Little League World Series and we could not believe it! The party lasted a whole month! The End!

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