Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Interview with Trevor as a Game

By Evelyn

I interviewed Trevor but I want everyone to guess the answers to the questions. I gave three options for each question and the answers are after the periods.

How many years has Trevor been at CHS?  7,13 or 17?………………………………………………............................................................13
Out of the 5 Trevor vs. Jenny’s this year how many has he won?  2, 3 or 5?…......................................................................................................…………......2

How tall do you think Trevor is? 5’10, 5’8 or 6 feet ……………………………………………….......................................................5’10

What is Trevor’s favorite color? Blue, Green or Orange ……………………………………............................................................…............Green

How many siblings does Trevor have? 0,1 or 4 .....................................................................................................………………...0

How many pets does Trevor have? 0,1, 2 …………….....................................................................................................…...0

What is Trevor's least favorotie food? Pizza, Brussel Sprouts or Tuna ………………………….........................................................................................Tuna

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