Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Things I Learned After it was too Late

By Oscar

1. Never pull a cat’s tail.

2. Never hit somebody with a Hockey stick.

3. Never try to bite your mom.

4. Never kiss your little sister (or brother) too much.

5. Never say, ‘’Ne Ne Ne Boo Boo’’.                                      

6. Never lick your mom.

7. Never pull a dog’s tail.

8. Never splatter paint on the floor.

9. Never annoy your little sister (or brother) too much.

10. Never scream in your mom’s face.

                                                     The End          

The Cookie Of The Future

By Liana and Ayana
Once upon a time… there was a scientist and he was eating a cookie . the same time he was working with chemicals and he spilled some on the cookie and threw it away.The next morning his lab was ruined. He looked everywhere but he couldn’t find the source. Then he looked in the trash can…
The cookie had a face. Dundundun
It also had a mischievous smile. He ran and ran as fast as he could. The cookie said “you can’t catch me I’m the cookie man (his name is actually Curious Cookie)” Then he ran out the door ready to cause mischief. First he broke into a store and trashed it up.Then he broke into a zoo and let all the monkeys out. Then he went for a dip in the lake.Then he grew bigger and bigger and bigger. Then he ran back to the science lab and BoB the scientist made an antidote for curious cookie.Finally he finished the antidote. He poured the antidote on Curious Cookie and he became small again.



Monday, July 25, 2016

The Dog Ninja 1

By Liana and Ayana
It was a dark and stormy night. Dundundun…

A dog named Spike was hiding, and he was not a normal dog. He was A NINJA but NO one knows. He was hiding from his enemy Dr. Cat. But someone was working for Dr. Cat, his name was Dr. Cat Jr. but Spike also has a assistant his name was Ninja Pup. He is hiding from Dr. Cat because Dr. Cat kidnapped Ninja pup in her cat mansion. So he is REALLY WORRIED. He goes to her mansion to find his friend Ninja Pup but then he saw Dr. Cat. Dr. Cat had a BIG army of LITTLE kittens. But then all of a sudden spike found a wire that was connected to all of the robots so he pulled it (they really should  make that wireless) and all the robots fell down with a thump. Then tranquilizer darts shot out of the wall but Spike dodged them but when he dodged the darts they went in death cat and then spike said his cheesy saying “justice is in the bone”.

Favorite Craft Survey

By Henry 

Painting: 7 votes

Collage: 4 votes

Pottery: 13 votes

Handbuilding: 9 votes

Drawing: 8 votes

Friendship Bracelets: 12 votes

Photography: 9 votes

I think Pottery Won because people like to make things the whole family uses.

Favorite Camp Activity Survey

By Nora

Camp Newspaper: 4 votes

Woodworking: 2 votes

Art from Nature: 0 votes

Indoor Sports Medley: 0 votes

Moviemaking: 2 votes

Cool Science: 0 votes

Tennis: 0 votes

Dodgeball: 0 votes

Soccer: 2 votes

Swim Instruction: 2 votes

Bookmaking: 0 votes

Camp Morning News: 1 vote

Yoga: 0 votes

Weaving: 0 votes

Hip Hop Dance: 0 votes

Drama: 7 votes

Whiffleball: 0 votes

Pillowmaking: 6 votes

2D and 3D Collage: 0 votes

Piano: 0 votes

Bead Art: 0 votes

Rockband: 1 vote

Guitar: 1 vote

Handbuilding with Clay: 1 votes

Jazz Dance: 0 votes

Recycled Art: 0 votes

Journal Art: 0 votes

Friendship Bracelets: 1 vote


Sorry to the the peeps who did not chose drama 

Because … DRAMA WON!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Favorite Candy Survey

By Margaux, Emily and Lily

Cotton Candy: 8 votes

Twizzlers: 2 votes

Twix: 4 votes

Swedish Fish: 5 votes

Skittles: 9 votes

M&M's: 2 votes

Airheads: 1 vote

Reese's Pieces: 3 votes

Sour patch kids: 11 votes

Milky Way: 4 votes

Butterfinger: 1 vote

Ringpop: 3 votes

Warheads: 1 vote

Milk Duds: 1 vote

Sour Patch Watermelon: 6 votes

Junior Mints: 4 votes

Black Twizzlers: 1 vote

Hershey Bar: 4 votes

Hershey Kisses: 2 votes

Snickers: 1 vote

Reese's Cups: 5 votes

Nerds: 4 votes

Sour Patch Kids WON! Everyone likes them these days:)

What is your Favorite Sport

By Sydney

Basketball: 5 votes

Soccer: 20 votes

topic_sport_logo.pngFootball: 3 votes

Baseball: 2 votes

Volleyball: 1 vote

Kickball: 3 votes

Dodgeball: 4 votes

Wiffleball: 0 votes

Swimming: 6 votes

Gymnastics: 1 vote

Yoga: 1 vote

Soccer won!

Thank You!

Favorite Cake Survey

By Nia

Vanilla: 8 votes
Chocolate: 0 votes

Cheesecake: 4 votes

Ice Cream: 13 votes

Red Velvet: 5 votes

I Don’t Like Cake: 4 votes

I think ice cream cake won because campers thought it was actually ice cream and not ice cream cake. I know I don’t like ice cream cake because it’s too melty.

Interview with Ryan

By Oscar

Q.What is your favorite place?
A. The RockBand room

Q.What is your favorite food?
A. Cheddar Goldfish

Q.What is your favorite color?
A. Purple just like the color of our divisions camp tshirt.

Q.What is your favorite kind of music?
A. KidzBOP by far.

Q.What is your favorite TV show?
A. Can’t go wrong with Adventure Time.

Q.What is your favorite Free-Time activity?
A. Playing Guitar                                           

Q. How long have you been at camp?

A.19 years combined as a camper, CIT and Counselor

Favorite Type of Cat

By Nora

House Cat: 8 votes

Leopard: 3 votes

Cheetah: 4 votes

Lion: 2 votes

Tiger: 3 votes

Panthers: 4 votes

Lynx: 3 votes

Bobcat: 2 votes

5507692-cat-m.jpgCougar: 1 vote

Jaguar: 4 votes

Jungle Cat: 1 vote

African Golden Cat: 1 vote

Ocelot: 1 vote

Caracal: 1 vote

Sorry to the people who did not choose house cat because …House cat won! Congratulations! I might do another survey and your group might win. But only maybe… and  I might not even do another survey! 2nd place was… cheetah, jaguar, and panther which all tied. Congratulations!

Ps. I think you should sign up for Camp Newspaper!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Cat of Nature Song

By Henry

Once there was a cat named Violet of which quite likes bats. But in her enjoyment of sleeping she quite liked mats. Smelling flowers all the time, in which she loved. Green fields,blue streams, flowers growing here and there and forests growing green. Bushes scattered everywhere, lakes shining blue, all different plants and food growing everywhere and a nice quiet tree for life.One night as Violet slept she dreamed she could fly. When she awoke she found she had tiny wings on her back! But only 40%, she also found she had behaviors of other animals. For animals titled her  “The lord of nature” and gave her a crown of leaves and made her a green palace of leaves, how extremely beautiful it was.  

Verse one:
In her free time she practiced flying from her palace towers and got quite good
at flying for a cat. Violet also liked exploring her big palace. Streams for baths,
a tree in her kitchen for fruits, leaves woven together for blankets, moss for
sheets, for pillows flower petals+leaves woven, stuffed with grass, vines, and straw.
Oh my gosh the gardens were the best part, she was growing strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, fennel, peaches, apples, oranges, lettuce, carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and cherries. She had a hammock woven from vines and a nice big lawn.


Verse 2:
Life was good as queen of nature and soon she found the king, together life was better
then when alone. Nine months later Violet gave birth to three kittens, she named them River, Sun and Night. River was dark blue, Sun was bright yellow and ,Night was as dark
as the the night sky and she lived happily on.


Cool Walkie Talkie Watch

By Liana

Image result for watch walkie talkie\
My friend and I have matching watches. There is a feature on the watch that we can talk to each other through the watch, but only if we are within a mile of each other. The watch has a flashlight and also you can to tell time with it. The watch is huge and also kinda heavy but worth it. (It’s for spying but it doesn’t have to be). The watch is all black.

Interview with Claire

By Nia

Image result for spongebobQ:What’s your favorite season?
A: I really like Fall

Q: What’s your favorite CHS activity?
A: Camp Newspaper because I help teach the class

Q:What’s your favorite TV show?
A: Spongebob Sqaurepants is a good show

Q:What’s your favorite movie?
A: The Lion King

Q:Who’s your favorite actor?
A: Johnny Depp

Q:Who’s your favorite actress?
A: Jennifer Lawrence