Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Cat's Adventure

By Nora
Image result for cat
Once there was a cat and she went on a adventure. The cat’s name was Whiskers. She had to save her friend Paws, who had been lost for a long time. So she started out on her adventure. She walked out of her house and looked around the outside of her house. She looked behind all of her plants and Paws was not there. Then Whiskers walked away from her house. But wait! She had an idea and she ran back to her house and took a picture of her friend Paws with her. She started printing a lot of papers with Paws picture. She then got tape and started to post the papers of Paws all around town. Whiskers wrote “LOST” on them. After posting the papers she went to a playground and which is Paws’ favorite spot. However, Paws was not there. “Hmmmm. Where could she be?” said Whiskers. Then she realized it was dark! Now she had to go home.
Whiskers opened the door and she heard something. Whiskers looked around but she did not see anything. She was really scared so she went up to her bedroom and tried to go to sleep. But she could not go to sleep. The eery sounds were stuck in her head. Then a cat shadow come out of the darkness! Then she could not believe it. It was paws! “Hi” said Paws “I’m sorry I fell asleep during our last play date”. Whiskers said “Do you want to have a sleepover now?”

The End

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