Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Cookie Of The Future

By Liana and Ayana
Once upon a time… there was a scientist and he was eating a cookie . the same time he was working with chemicals and he spilled some on the cookie and threw it away.The next morning his lab was ruined. He looked everywhere but he couldn’t find the source. Then he looked in the trash can…
The cookie had a face. Dundundun
It also had a mischievous smile. He ran and ran as fast as he could. The cookie said “you can’t catch me I’m the cookie man (his name is actually Curious Cookie)” Then he ran out the door ready to cause mischief. First he broke into a store and trashed it up.Then he broke into a zoo and let all the monkeys out. Then he went for a dip in the lake.Then he grew bigger and bigger and bigger. Then he ran back to the science lab and BoB the scientist made an antidote for curious cookie.Finally he finished the antidote. He poured the antidote on Curious Cookie and he became small again.



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