Monday, July 25, 2016

The Dog Ninja 1

By Liana and Ayana
It was a dark and stormy night. Dundundun…

A dog named Spike was hiding, and he was not a normal dog. He was A NINJA but NO one knows. He was hiding from his enemy Dr. Cat. But someone was working for Dr. Cat, his name was Dr. Cat Jr. but Spike also has a assistant his name was Ninja Pup. He is hiding from Dr. Cat because Dr. Cat kidnapped Ninja pup in her cat mansion. So he is REALLY WORRIED. He goes to her mansion to find his friend Ninja Pup but then he saw Dr. Cat. Dr. Cat had a BIG army of LITTLE kittens. But then all of a sudden spike found a wire that was connected to all of the robots so he pulled it (they really should  make that wireless) and all the robots fell down with a thump. Then tranquilizer darts shot out of the wall but Spike dodged them but when he dodged the darts they went in death cat and then spike said his cheesy saying “justice is in the bone”.

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