Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Mystery Day

By Thomas

Image result for detective
It was a cold dark night out in the streets of New York City. There wasn’t even a little mouse scurrying around. But far away in the outskirts of town, there was a huge robbery going on in the town bank. 62 billion dollars was stolen during the robbery. Now, it was up to a team of detectives to solve the case. The detectives’ names were Robby, Eric, Julie, and Hannah. They called themselves the Fearless Four. They were the best detective team in the city. No one could beat them. They started by going out to the scene of the crime. They looked around for hours and hours until Julie found a little piece of the robber’s cloak. They went back to their hideout to analyze it. It was covered in ash and pebbles. So they set out to all the mines in the city to see if any of the mines had ash and pebbles. Then they came to one mine, and it matched the exact description.They found the robber’s hideout. They searched around the mine for days, until Robby found a switch. Robby flicked the switch and a huge door opened. Inside was 22 billion dollars, but they still had 40 billion dollars to retrieve. So, they decided to take everything in the mine that was stolen and take it back to the lab to see when it was last used. It turned out to have been used three days ago. Now they had a lead on the mystery. This was the biggest clue they’ve had in awhile. Now, they had a clue where the robber had went. They set out to an out-of-town restaurant called the Evil Eye. Many robbers had been caught there before. They went into the Evil Eye, then all of the sudden, they were face to face with the robber. It was the biggest showdown that had happened in centuries. Everyone stood back except for the robber and the detectives. It was a massive battle, but at the end it was the detectives standing victorious. The detectives called the police and in seconds, thousands of cars were outside with flashing lights and officers. Then, they arrested the thief and the town was safe once again.

The End

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