Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Missing Ruby Ring

By Ivy and Margaux  
One day two girls were running to the candy shop and they noticed a jewelry store. The first one who saw the jewelry store said “let’s go over to that jewelry store”. “Why not.”said the older girl as she looked at her phone “We still have two hours”. So they ran over to the jewelry store. The younger sister Isabel saw a ruby ring she asked her older thirteen year old sister named Molly if they could buy the ring. The sign next to the ring said one dollar. Molly was surprised so she checked her purse and saw she only had a dollar. “Okay” said Molly “we can get it but it is your responsibility”. But then Molly paused and said “never mind. We will share the ring, I like it too”. So they bought it and took it home. That evening they had dinner and went to bed.                                      
Suddenly they heard BOOM! CRASH!  FLASH! Isabel started to cry. Molly heard Isabel.
ruby.jpgShe ran to Isabel’s room and saw Isabel crying.”Do you want to sleep in my room?” asked Molly. “Okay” said Isabel as she stopped crying. “It was just thunder” said Molly. Then when they woke up they went outside to see if it had rained. They noticed the trees were not knocked over. So they realized it could not have been a storm. Molly then went to her room to get dressed and she noticed that the ring was gone. They called everybody and found a person in India who said they had the ring. So they went to India. When they got to India the person with the ring said that the ring had disappeared. “No!” said Molly. So they went back home and it was time to go to bed. When they woke up they noticed the ring was back in their room! Molly tried to grab for it and before she could grab it, it went through her hand and it was gone. Isabel went downstairs to read a book. Then she saw a ghost! It looked kind of familiar. (The story of their parents: When both Molly and Isabel were young their mother disappeared. Isabel was very sick as a child. Both Molly and Isabel believed that their mother turned into a ghost, and the mother put a spell on their dad and then he disappeared as well).
“Molly! Molly!” said Isabel, “There is a ghost”. Just when Molly was about to come downstairs, the ghost disappeared. Molly knew it was real but told Isabel that it was just her imagination. That day they tried to track down the ring again. So again they called everybody and found someone in Mexico. The person in Mexico said they had it. So they went down to Mexico and again the ring was gone once they arrived. “It was here! It was here!” said the person“I don't know what happened! It just disappeared”. They then went all the way back home. They went to bed so early. They woke up at 5 AM. So they again called everybody and finally they came to a person in France who said the ring was there. They went all the way there. Once they got there, THE RING WAS GONE! They couldn't believe their eyes. They really thought this was the time. As soon as they got home the ghost appeared in their house. This time they both saw the ghost! Molly had to admit to Isabel that she had seen the ghost before. Isabel was very mad at her. Molly tried to say that is was because she didn't want Isabel to be scared. But Isabel wouldn't listen.
sisters.jpgThat night, Isabel ran away to find the ring by herself. She was done with Molly. She ran to the forest and made friends with the woodland animals. Isabel became scared and wanted to go home to Molly. But she realized she did not know how to get home. She asked her woodland friends to help. They had visited the city many times since Isabel was able to understand the animals she found out. So all the animals had a big discussion on who would lead Isabel home, then they ended up choosing a very trustworthy fox. When she got back home she rang the doorbell. Molly was surprised as she was not expecting any visitors. Molly opened the door anyways. She didn't recognize her at first, but soon realized and said “Isabel! You came back!”. They talked awhile about the ring and the trustworthy fox said he had seen the ring. He said he put it is in an underground barrier so the ring could not use its power. He showed the girls the  underground barrier. He told them to not even step on it or the ring would be able to use its powers. The two girls realized the ring should be set free. They told the fox to let them dig it up and put it next to the barrier. They said that anytime someone would find it, they should give it to a scientist to study it. After five years, scientists finally figured out its origin. (The rings origin: A long time ago, Isabel and Molly’s mother had been a very good magician. She stopped her job and started to make magic stuff. The ruby ring was her creation. She made it to haunt people).  
Present day: Just then the ring disappeared again from the scientist. Then another five years later Isabel, Molly and the scientists finally discovered more about the ring. They realized that Molly and Isabel had the same powers as the ring and could appear and disappear just like the ring. They went back home and went to sleep that night and had dreams of the best day ever. They then got a new ring that did not disappear and reappear and they shared it.     

The End!

P.s: The ghost and the ring are still out there so they can haunt you!

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