Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Cat of Nature Song

By Henry

Once there was a cat named Violet of which quite likes bats. But in her enjoyment of sleeping she quite liked mats. Smelling flowers all the time, in which she loved. Green fields,blue streams, flowers growing here and there and forests growing green. Bushes scattered everywhere, lakes shining blue, all different plants and food growing everywhere and a nice quiet tree for life.One night as Violet slept she dreamed she could fly. When she awoke she found she had tiny wings on her back! But only 40%, she also found she had behaviors of other animals. For animals titled her  “The lord of nature” and gave her a crown of leaves and made her a green palace of leaves, how extremely beautiful it was.  

Verse one:
In her free time she practiced flying from her palace towers and got quite good
at flying for a cat. Violet also liked exploring her big palace. Streams for baths,
a tree in her kitchen for fruits, leaves woven together for blankets, moss for
sheets, for pillows flower petals+leaves woven, stuffed with grass, vines, and straw.
Oh my gosh the gardens were the best part, she was growing strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, fennel, peaches, apples, oranges, lettuce, carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, and cherries. She had a hammock woven from vines and a nice big lawn.


Verse 2:
Life was good as queen of nature and soon she found the king, together life was better
then when alone. Nine months later Violet gave birth to three kittens, she named them River, Sun and Night. River was dark blue, Sun was bright yellow and ,Night was as dark
as the the night sky and she lived happily on.


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