Monday, July 25, 2016

Favorite Camp Activity Survey

By Nora

Camp Newspaper: 4 votes

Woodworking: 2 votes

Art from Nature: 0 votes

Indoor Sports Medley: 0 votes

Moviemaking: 2 votes

Cool Science: 0 votes

Tennis: 0 votes

Dodgeball: 0 votes

Soccer: 2 votes

Swim Instruction: 2 votes

Bookmaking: 0 votes

Camp Morning News: 1 vote

Yoga: 0 votes

Weaving: 0 votes

Hip Hop Dance: 0 votes

Drama: 7 votes

Whiffleball: 0 votes

Pillowmaking: 6 votes

2D and 3D Collage: 0 votes

Piano: 0 votes

Bead Art: 0 votes

Rockband: 1 vote

Guitar: 1 vote

Handbuilding with Clay: 1 votes

Jazz Dance: 0 votes

Recycled Art: 0 votes

Journal Art: 0 votes

Friendship Bracelets: 1 vote


Sorry to the the peeps who did not chose drama 

Because … DRAMA WON!

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